Thursday, November 15, 2012

Results are In

I called the MT21 test company on Tuesday night to find out who I was supposed to get my results from. They told me that my OB would actually be the one to call me, and that my results would be to them to Thursday (today!). 42 hours including one incredibly sleepless night later, and I have the test results. All negative! I cried with relief while I was on the phone with the nurse. I had panic attacks all night worrying about all of the things that could be wrong. Barely slept a full 20 minutes. Of course, I had to leave my house at 4:00 this morning to get to the airport for my DC trip, so I'm absolutely exhausted. Had to go to dinner with our development team, which always ends up being a late night. I can't wait to go to sleep.

In addition to our stellar test results, we also found out what the sex of the baby is! The ultrasound tech was right at our NT scan last week. And since this blog is still a secret, I can say it here without the guilt that I haven't told the rest of the family yet...    We're having a GIRL! There are six grandkids between our families and they are ALL boys. I'm so excited that Charlie is going to have a little sister! I can't wait to tell him when I'm back in town on Saturday.

I also can't wait for the family to come for thanksgiving, because after the girl news is made public I'll be moving back to my old blog. I'm looking forward to sharing the news with everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! Such wonderful and exciting news! I am so glad the results came back great and hooray for TEAM PINK!!! :D
